SourcePoint Perspective on Embodiment

Drawing by Bob Schrei    Embodiment. The word is everywhere these days in worlds of healing trauma, movement practices, meditation practice, energy work; it appears in book titles, conference titles and advertisements. What does it mean, especially in relation to SourcePoint Therapy®? In SourcePoint we say that when we are talking about the physical body, […]

Deep Intention 2020

Dear Friends, today is the last day of the meditation series we’ve been practicing alone-together for the last 10 days or so. Today’s meditation is: Deep Intention.  As you will hear in the meditation deep intention is not the same thing as setting intentions, or goals, or stating desires. From a bigger perspective, we are […]

Connecting to Source 2020

Source Grounding Activation Transformation Order, Balance, Harmony, Flow Words that can shift your mood, your mind, your heart and spirit into greater Awareness, greater connection with the Blueprint of health. Four tiny golden seed points we can visualize or sense in some way, all around the body, in perfect pattern and proportion, full of intention […]

Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow 2020

Dear Friends, This evening we are beginning our immersion in Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow, the Blueprint of Health for the human being, for the benefit of all beings, each one of us, to maintain a focus on health. If you are just joining, please see my introduction in the previous post from today. We […]

Meditations for Today’s World 2020

Dear Friends, in these times, SourcePoint Therapy has much to offer. Remember, as some of you have heard in workshops, every time one single person connects with the Blueprint of Health for the human being, with that fundamental Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow of the universal life force energy, that information enters into the web […]

SourcePoint, the Soul’s Journey and the Diamond Points

Painting by Bob Schrei   From Source we arise, to Source we return. In that process we find ourselves Grounded, here on this earth, incarnate, embodied. We may experience a profound disconnection from Source. We may lose our awareness of it, of our original Ground.  This loss may take lifetimes, and we may live many […]

SourcePoint and the Spiral

Painting by Bob Schrei In the natural world, spirals are everywhere. Nebulae, hurricanes, the chambered nautilus, the cochlea of the inner ear, the heart of the sunflower, indeed in the muscle fibers of the human heart, and at the heart of a lettuce or a cabbage. On the top of a baby’s head. In the […]


photo by Josh Schrei Bob and I have just returned from teaching Module One and Two in Ireland, and then Module Three in Germany. It’s been a while since I’ve experienced all three in a row. It’s a powerful experience and reminds me more than ever that SourcePoint training is not only about learning techniques; […]


Reflecting on words, we bring their energies, qualities and vibrations more present. “The word” brings us closer to the energies it symbolizes; “the word” has the power to invoke its own meaning and actualize it in the manifest world. The ancients knew this. Indeed, one of the best known creation myths begins with the words […]

Spanda: The Creative Vibration and Movement of Universal Energy

Photo by Josh Schrei Continuing the exploration of echoes of ancient wisdom in the principles of SourcePoint. This time from the book “The Doctrine of Vibration: An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices of Kashmiri Shivaism” by Mark S. C. Dyckowski. From Chapter 3, ‘The Universal Activity of Universal Consciousness.’ If you take the time […]