SourcePoint Therapy® and Shamanic Healing

Throughout human history, traditional healers have worked with energy, with energies, with spirit guides and deities, with light. Shamans have used ritual, drama, story and song, music and imagery to bring people into alignment with the fundamental energies of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow inherent in the universal energy. Shamanism, once dismissed as “primitive” by […]

Words for What We Do

James Oschman, PhD, speaking on Quantum Biology and Information Fields While this post is specifically focused for practitioners, it does contain suggestions and resources for anyone interested in further exploration of the field of energy medicine. During and after workshops, there’s one question that comes up from practitioners over and over: “I don’t know how […]

Moving Freely from One Experience to Another, Always

This post could also be titled “After the Workshop.” Any SourcePoint workshop you may have attended, three years ago, or three weeks ago, this applies. Often after workshops people write to me with stories of their experiences when they return home. Mostly it goes smoothly, and they find they can integrate the work and experience […]

SourcePoint Therapy® Explained

Recharging Energy

Recharge. Rejuvenate. Refresh. Think of how the whole world around you feels after the rain: everything glows with life, glistens with light. The earth and sky are washed clean. A rainbow appears. This meditation is intended to bring you the same feeling. Enjoy 🙂 ©2011 Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei

Setting Boundaries and Conserving Energy

“Chief Seattle’s 0ften quoted statement that what we do to the web, we also do to ourselves, is also true in reverse: what we do to ourselves, we do to the web. This means as we tend to ourselves with care, attention, and understanding, the effect ripples outward. As we learn to work with our […]

You Are Energy

You are energy. You can’t have energy or not have enough energy because it’s not about having or not having. You are energy. For the rest of this month, we’ll be exploring this fact. Every talk/meditation is intended to help you realize that, at every level of body/mind/ spirit. I chose the image above because […]


“There is a geometry in the humming of the strings. There is a music in the spacing of the spheres.” Pythagoras We can describe the process of SourcePoint Therapy® in many ways. We connect to the Blueprint. We align ourselves with the information of the Blueprint. We clear blockages to the free flow of that […]

The Radical Redefinition of Self

Albert Einstein said, after the explosion of the first atom bomb, “Now everything has changed but our way of thinking.” Almost seventy years later this is still true. We have more and more new technologies,and yet we continue to act from the same old belief systems. However, I can’t look at the outside world and […]


At our recent Module 3 workshop in Santa Fe, we sat down together on Sunday morning to meditate with the Blueprint, to experience it more directly, to connect with what we call the Mandala Realm, that field of energetic pattern from which form arises. This meditation with the golden line emerged at that time. It […]