The Power of Awareness

Sketch by Bob Schrei The ground of our practice of SourcePoint is Awareness – with a capital A to emphasize its all-pervading presence, the Awareness that we take so for granted. Every moment, we are aware. We see, we feel, we taste and touch, smell, think, perceive, observe, remember, we hear, we make choices. Our […]


photo by Josh Schrei Translated by Marilu Reis Quando você sonha, você enxerga de dentro de si mesmo, sua visão normal? Ou você vê de cima e além, do lado de fora, movendo-se no sonho? O que você prefere? Estar dentro ou fora? As pessoas falam sobre estar dentro do corpo. Onde está este corpo? […]

Focus on the Blueprint: A Reminder

Blackboard sketch by Bob Schrei This month’s post is contributed by Bob Schrei, and is an important reminder where our focus lies in the practice of SourcePoint Therapy®. It is specifically intended for practitioners who have been trained in our workshops. In the three basic modules of SourcePoint Therapy® the emphasis is on placing your […]


photo by Josh Schrei When you dream, do you see from the inside of yourself, your usual vision? Or do you see yourself from above and beyond, from the outside, moving in the dream? Which do you prefer? To be inside or outside? People speak about being in their bodies. Where is that body? Or, […]

The Calming Power of Space

Photo by Josh Schrei In the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism, there are considered to be five elements: air, earth, fire, water … and space. Space contains all other elements. Space contains all thoughts, feelings, events, experiences and incarnations. The inherent nature of our mind is vast, infinite space. Meditation helps us experience this spacious awareness […]

The Miracle of Healing

‘Tis the season of miracles, when stories of miracles are told, and believed, or not. When distant stars and long ago happenings invite us to reverence and awe. It is a good time to acknowledge and revere the greatest miracle of all — life itself and the great cosmos that is its genesis and its […]


In SourcePoint Therapy® we work with a scan of the body to locate blockages that are impeding the free flow of information from the energetic Blueprint of health. Recently a question arose, along these lines: “When I use the scan with clients, why am I consistently finding a blockage in the same location on the […]

SourcePoint Therapy ® Advanced Intensives

The Single Point. This one phrase describes our advanced trainings for the coming year. Look at the points on the spiral in the image above. Each one of those points is an Advanced Intensive. Simplicity Depth Essence Integration All of what you learned in the basic three modules is contained in each of those points. […]

The Eight-Pointed Star

The stars invite us to explore greater dimensions of consciousness and energy. When we look at the night sky we feel the wonder of the cosmos, our connection to a Mystery beyond our ordinary comprehension. The North Star guides us, orients us in our earthly existence. Stars traditionally are portents and signs. An eight-pointed star […]

Moving Freely from One Experience to Another, Always

This post could also be titled “After the Workshop.” Any SourcePoint workshop you may have attended, three years ago, or three weeks ago, this applies. Often after workshops people write to me with stories of their experiences when they return home. Mostly it goes smoothly, and they find they can integrate the work and experience […]