Guardians of the Body 2020

Today’s meditation invokes the guardian energies of the body for our health and wellbeing.  Many years ago I was told by one of my teachers, who spoke from many years of experience in working with energy, that the most effective psychic protection was simply… altruism. Yes. As simple as that.  As those of you who […]


Reflecting on words, we bring their energies, qualities and vibrations more present. “The word” brings us closer to the energies it symbolizes; “the word” has the power to invoke its own meaning and actualize it in the manifest world. The ancients knew this. Indeed, one of the best known creation myths begins with the words […]

The Miracle of Healing

‘Tis the season of miracles, when stories of miracles are told, and believed, or not. When distant stars and long ago happenings invite us to reverence and awe. It is a good time to acknowledge and revere the greatest miracle of all — life itself and the great cosmos that is its genesis and its […]

SourcePoint Therapy® and Shamanic Healing

Throughout human history, traditional healers have worked with energy, with energies, with spirit guides and deities, with light. Shamans have used ritual, drama, story and song, music and imagery to bring people into alignment with the fundamental energies of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow inherent in the universal energy. Shamanism, once dismissed as “primitive” by […]

Moving Freely from One Experience to Another, Always

This post could also be titled “After the Workshop.” Any SourcePoint workshop you may have attended, three years ago, or three weeks ago, this applies. Often after workshops people write to me with stories of their experiences when they return home. Mostly it goes smoothly, and they find they can integrate the work and experience […]

The Waking Dream

“”¦the ”˜imaginal realm,’ a dimension beyond the physical that is the precinct and playground of true imagination, a creative realm that may be the seedbed of our great discoveries and innovations, and even the origin of events and situations that are manifested in the surface world. Indigenous peoples call it the Dreamtime or the dreamworld. […]

Don’t Forget the Guardian Points

Photo by Josh Schrei For those of you who have attended the Module Two training and have learned the Guardian Points, or been shown them by your practitioner: you have a valuable tool as winter gets deeper and colder. I do the Guardian Points on myself every day and can feel them strengthening me at […]

Remembering the Earth and Ourselves

Green Tara This week I am drawn to re-connect with two of the audio meditations. The first is the Guardians of the Earth, and the second is the fundamental SourcePoint Meditation. It feels to me as though the energies of the next few weeks are asking us to pay special attention to bringing in the […]

Invoking the Guardian Energies of the Earth (audio meditation)

If you have fifteen minutes to spare, please consider participating in this meditation. What we are doing here is invoking the guardian energies of the earth by connecting with that fundamental information of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow present in the universal energy field. We do this by using the Diamond Points of SourcePoint Therapy […]

Guardian Energies of the Earth

Photo by Francie Van Aken Stoutamire “This well just did not want to be drilled”¦it was like we were messing with Mother Nature…” Statement from a worker on the Deepwater Horizon rig about the obstructions encountered from the beginning of the operation. The earth has consciousness. It is a sentient being. It feels what is […]