
Not everyone “believes” in reincarnation but I have experienced in my work with people that there are often stories we carry that, if accessed in some way, help to release deep old emotional and physical patterns. One can explain these stories in any number of ways. You can think of them as past life stories, […]

The Karmic Blueprint

I’m going to talk about karma from the perspective of SourcePoint. This is only one perspective among many, and is simply another way to view the complex issue of causation and incarnation, not a definitive “answer” to the questions that we have about karma. From a SourcePoint perspective, we could say that karma manifests as […]


The Endless Knot Energy workers often talk about clearing karma. What is karma? I wouldn’t dream of trying to answer that question 🙂 but here’s some reflections based on my studies and experience, for your further reflection. The word “karma” in Sanskrit literally means “volitional action;” in other words, action that is intended and comes […]