
photo by Josh Schrei Bob and I have just returned from teaching Module One and Two in Ireland, and then Module Three in Germany. It’s been a while since I’ve experienced all three in a row. It’s a powerful experience and reminds me more than ever that SourcePoint training is not only about learning techniques; […]

The Power of Awareness

Sketch by Bob Schrei The ground of our practice of SourcePoint is Awareness – with a capital A to emphasize its all-pervading presence, the Awareness that we take so for granted. Every moment, we are aware. We see, we feel, we taste and touch, smell, think, perceive, observe, remember, we hear, we make choices. Our […]

Focus on the Blueprint: A Reminder

Blackboard sketch by Bob Schrei This month’s post is contributed by Bob Schrei, and is an important reminder where our focus lies in the practice of SourcePoint Therapy®. It is specifically intended for practitioners who have been trained in our workshops. In the three basic modules of SourcePoint Therapy® the emphasis is on placing your […]

Meditation as a Survival Skill

Photo by Josh Schrei Some years ago when my book The Vibrant Life: Simple Meditations to Use Your Energy Effectively (Sentient Publications) came out, I led a lot of meditation workshops and groups. And I began always by saying, “Meditation in today’s world is not an esoteric practice. It’s a survival skill.” I continue to […]


In SourcePoint Therapy® we work with a scan of the body to locate blockages that are impeding the free flow of information from the energetic Blueprint of health. Recently a question arose, along these lines: “When I use the scan with clients, why am I consistently finding a blockage in the same location on the […]

SourcePoint Therapy® and Shamanic Healing

Throughout human history, traditional healers have worked with energy, with energies, with spirit guides and deities, with light. Shamans have used ritual, drama, story and song, music and imagery to bring people into alignment with the fundamental energies of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow inherent in the universal energy. Shamanism, once dismissed as “primitive” by […]

Moving Freely from One Experience to Another, Always

This post could also be titled “After the Workshop.” Any SourcePoint workshop you may have attended, three years ago, or three weeks ago, this applies. Often after workshops people write to me with stories of their experiences when they return home. Mostly it goes smoothly, and they find they can integrate the work and experience […]

What is SourcePoint Therapy®?

The following article was written by Jeffrey Maitland, author of three books: Mind Body Zen (Random House 2010), Spinal Manipulation Made Simple: A Manual of Soft Tissue Techniques (North Atlantic Books, 2001), and Spacious Body: An Exploration in Somatic Ontology (North Atlantic Books 1994). Jeffrey was one of my basic and advanced Rolfing teachers; he […]

SourcePoint Therapy® Explained


At our recent Module 3 workshop in Santa Fe, we sat down together on Sunday morning to meditate with the Blueprint, to experience it more directly, to connect with what we call the Mandala Realm, that field of energetic pattern from which form arises. This meditation with the golden line emerged at that time. It […]