
Order and Chaos 2020

remember life whispers in my heart i exist on the delicate edge of chaos and order this word chaos from the ancient greek khaos the abyss the vast emptiness that precedes creation order from the latin ordinem arrangement pattern routine (originally simply a row of threads on a loom) ah from the abyss a pattern […]

Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow 2020

Dear Friends, This evening we are beginning our immersion in Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow, the Blueprint of Health for the human being, for the benefit of all beings, each one of us, to maintain a focus on health. If you are just joining, please see my introduction in the previous post from today. We […]


Reflecting on words, we bring their energies, qualities and vibrations more present. “The word” brings us closer to the energies it symbolizes; “the word” has the power to invoke its own meaning and actualize it in the manifest world. The ancients knew this. Indeed, one of the best known creation myths begins with the words […]

Ancient Wisdom

  I love exploring writings of ancient wisdom and finding resonances with SourcePoint. My current source is “The Dawning Moon of the Mind: Unlocking the Pyramid Texts” by Susan Brind Morrow. It’s a new and brilliant, poetic and spirit-filled, translation. The Pyramid Texts are etched on the walls of a burial chamber of a long […]

Words for These Times

  I’m dreaming only words no image radiant dark streaming with words that disappear upon awaking mist in the morning sun. Within us canyons carved by the waters of experience older than time deeper than mind flooded now gates opened. What I have learned in this life: when the day seems dark turn within listen. […]

Her Loom of Light

Her Loom of Light that Becomes the Body Born from light into light You return again to know yourself as light. You are born from a precise order a delicate balance an eternal harmony from the flow of the river the cresting of the tide. Born from the Mother of Mothers the matrix that nourishes […]

The Blueprint as a Living Being

Blackboard Drawing by Bob Schrei, Module 3, July 16, 2012 We are in the midst of a Module Three right now, exploring the principle of the Blueprint, working with deepening our relationship to the Blueprint for the benefit of our own health and that of others. The foundation of SourcePoint, its core, its central organizing […]

Order, Balance, Harmony, Flow

Order, Balance, Harmony, Flow by Bob Schrei Life is a delicate balancing act. “Life exists on the edge of chaos and order.” I can’t even reference this quote because so many biologists, systems theorists, and other thinkers and researchers have now made some such statement. What are the implications of this for SourcePoint Therapy? We […]

Remembering the Earth and Ourselves

Green Tara This week I am drawn to re-connect with two of the audio meditations. The first is the Guardians of the Earth, and the second is the fundamental SourcePoint Meditation. It feels to me as though the energies of the next few weeks are asking us to pay special attention to bringing in the […]

Musings on Motherhood and SourcePoint

This week, we have a guest blogger, Elizabeth Eilers Sullivan. Elizabeth is a writer and mother of three young children. She recently attended a SourcePoint Therapy Module One workshop in Santa Fe and shared some of her experiences following the workshop with me. I wanted to share them here because of their specific reference to […]