
Recharging Energy

Recharge. Rejuvenate. Refresh. Think of how the whole world around you feels after the rain: everything glows with life, glistens with light. The earth and sky are washed clean. A rainbow appears. This meditation is intended to bring you the same feeling. Enjoy 🙂 ©2011 Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei

Setting Boundaries and Conserving Energy

“Chief Seattle’s 0ften quoted statement that what we do to the web, we also do to ourselves, is also true in reverse: what we do to ourselves, we do to the web. This means as we tend to ourselves with care, attention, and understanding, the effect ripples outward. As we learn to work with our […]


For three weeks of June 2011 on the SourcePoint blog I’ll be offering a free series of audio talks and meditations based on my book The Vibrant Life: Simple Meditations to Use Your Energy Effectively (Sentient Publications 2006). These meditations are simple, practical methods of working with energy for your own benefit. This book preceded […]