Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson are the co-developers and original teachers of SourcePoint Therapy®. Please see the listings at the end of the schedule for more information on Certified Instructors of the SourcePoint Therapy Basic Training. Bob and Donna continue to teach Basic Trainings, and all Advanced Trainings.
Contact us by email or through the contact page on this website for registration details, including cost.
January 12-14: São Paulo, Brazil (in Portuguese) with Marisol Valente
February 23-29: Module One & Two – Campo Grande, Brazil (in Portuguese) with Marisol Valente
March 8-10: Longmont, Colorado with Dave Sheldon
March 22-24: Santa Fe, NM with Bob Schrei & Donna Thomson
April 20-22: Osaka, Japan with Hiroki Sato
May 24-26: Longmont, Colorado with Dave Sheldon
May 31-June 2: Baldwin, Kansas with Bob Schrei
May 31-June 2: Brooklyn, NY w/ Damian McCann & Owyn Ruck
June 28-30: Munich, Germany (in English) with Marisol Valente
August 9-11: Longmont, Colorado with Dave Sheldon
November 2-4: São Paulo, Brazil, with Marisol Valente
February 23-29: Module One & Two – Campo Grande, Brazil (in Portuguese) with Marisol Valente
March 15-17: Longmont, Colorado with Dave Sheldon
April 5-7: Nashville, TN with Bob Schrei
April 12-14: Longmont, Colorado with Dave Sheldon
April 26-28: Santa Fe, NM with Bob Schrei & Donna Thomson
June 29 – July 1: Osaka, Japan with Hiroki Sato
July 19-21: Brooklyn, NY w/ Damian McCann & Owyn Ruck
September 13-15: Munich,Germany (in English) with Marisol Valente
October 11-13: Longmont, Colorado with Dave Sheldon
November 7-9: São Paulo, Brazil with Marisol Valente
March 2-4: Osaka, Japan with Hiroki Sato
April 26-28: Munich, Germany (in English) with Marisol Valente
May 17-19: Santa Fe, NM with Bob Schrei & Donna Thomson
August 16-18: Succurro, East Meredith NY w/ Damian McCann & Owyn Ruck
August 24-26: Osaka, Japan with Hiroki Sato
November 1-3: Longmont, Colorado with Dave Sheldon
November 29 – December 1: Munich, Germany (in English) with Marisol Valente
January 14 & 21: Advanced Online “Distance Session Workshop” with Bob Schrei, Damian McCann & Owyn Ruck (Register here)
April 14: Advanced Online “Working with the Pattern of Disorder” with Bob Schrei & Donna Thomson (This workshop is specifically for people who have taken Module Three previous to 2024 and have not received the teachings on this protocol)
May 3-9: Module Four & Five – Santa Fe, NM with Bob Schrei & Donna Thomson (These Modules can be taken as two separate modules, or back-to-back with a day off in-between)
August 16-18: Module Six – Online – with Bob Schrei & Donna Thomson. “The Power of Mandala and Symbol in the Transformation of Body, Mind and Spirit.”
This is for those who have completed Module Four and Five (Previous Advanced Level One and/or Two.) It will be an in-depth exploration of the principles and nuances of the energetic structures worked with in SourcePoint Therapy.
September 14-20 – Module Four & Five – Succurro, East Meredith NY, w/ Bob Schrei & Donna Thomson
October 6-10: Module Four & Five – Osaka, Japan with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson
This year we are introducing Community Meetings — an online coming together of SourcePoint practitioners and students each month. The prerequisite for participation is to have read “SourcePoint Therapy: Exploring the Blueprint of Health,” available on Amazon. Meetings will take place on the first Sunday of every month at 1PM Mountain Time, and are free to attend (although donations are appreciated!) Recordings will be provided to all who register. These meetings will be a time to come together, practice together, share together, and explore themes and topics related to energy, consciousness, community and healing, in light of SourcePoint, determined monthly by the group. After the first six months we will announce further dates.
TO REGISTER: Please contact us through our contact form. Once you are registered, you will be added to the list and receive the Zoom link each month; there is no need to register for each individual meeting. Registration will be rolling throughout the year!
DATES: (All meetings at 1pm MT)
January 7, February 4, March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2
July 7, August 4, September 1, October 6, November 3, December 1.
SourcePoint Therapy® Workshop Schedule 2023
Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson are the co-developers and original teachers of SourcePoint Therapy®.
Please see the listing below for information regarding other Certified Instructors for Module One and Two of SourcePoint Therapy, certified by Bob and Donna. Bob and Donna are currently the only teachers of Module Three and the Advanced courses. They also continue to teach Module One and Two when possible
We are excited to offer a full range of courses in 2022. In consideration of ongoing Covid-19 concerns our primary focus at the beginning of the year will be online events. Contact us by email or through the Contact Page for registration details for all events and workshops. These will vary according to the instructor and location.
January 27-29: Module One, Pfarkirrchen, Germany, with Marisol Valente (in English)
February 10-12 : Module One, Munich, Germany with Marisol Valente (In English)
February 11-13: Module One, Osaka, Japan, with Hiroki Sato
March 17-19: Module One, Santa Cruz, California, with Marisol Valente
March 25-27: Module Two, Santa Cruz, California, with Marisol Valente.
April 8-10: Module Two, Osaka Japan, with Hiroki Sato
April 21-23: Module One, Boulder, Colorado, with Dave Sheldon
April (exact date TBA): Module Two, Munich, Germany, with Marisol Valente (in English)
May (exact date TBA): Module One and Two, Brazil (exact location TBA), with Marisol Valente
May 18-20: Module One, Bozeman, Montana, with Dave Sheldon
May 19-21: Module One, Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson
June 30-July 1: Module One, Succurro, East Meredith, NY, with Owyn Ruck and Damian McCann.
July 8-15: Module One and Two, Ericeira, Portugal, with Damian McCann and Owyn Ruck
July 21-23: Module One, Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson
July 21-23: Module One, Berlin, Germany, Andrea Clusen, (in German)
August 18-20: Module One, Seattle, WA, with Bob Schrei
September 1–3: Module One, Munich, Germany, with Marisol Valente (In English)
September 8-14: Module One and Two Succurro, East Meredith, NY with Damian McCann and Owyn Ruck. Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson will be present.
September 22-24: Module Two, Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson
September 22-24: Module Two, Berlin, Germany, with Andrea Clusen
October 13-15: Module One, Nashville, Tennessee, with Bob Schrei.
More workshop dates may be posted for the second half of the year as they are decided.
As you can see, this year we are focused on Module One and Module Two. Right now there is only one Module Three scheduled, primarily for those students who had planned to attend previously but had to cancel due to Covid. We have other possibilities for later in the year we will be considering.
April 13- 17: Advanced Level One, Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson.
April 28-30: Advanced Level Two, Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson
May 6-12: Module Three, Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson
October 27-29: Module Three, Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson
April 2: Open to anyone interested in learning more about SourcePoint Therapy for oneself or for expanding your methods of working with others, with detailed information regarding SourcePoint Therapy training, with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson. Contact us through the contact page for details and to register. 1pm Mountain Time.
If you are interested in an online introduction please contact us as we will be scheduling another one in the fall.
There is a fee for online workshops. All two hour events are free of charge.(Donations are much appreciated) Our intention with them is to nourish and sustain our SourcePoint community. These are primarily for SourcePoint practitioners and students, who can contact us through email or on the contact page for registration details. If you have not attended a SourcePoint workshop, please contact us through the contact page and give some background for your interest in attending. Reading our book “SourcePoint Therapy: Exploring the Blueprint of Health” is required for attendance. All events are at 1pm Mountain Time
January 22: “SourcePoint Therapy as the Study and Practice of Heath” – How do we focus on, nourish and sustain Health, for ourselves and others, in an increasingly unhealthy world?
February 19: “Embodying SourcePoint” – In order to practice SourcePoint effectively for others we must practice it for ourselves. How do we utilize the principles and practices of SourcePoint Therapy as a method for self-transformation?
March 19: “The Triad in SourcePoint Therapy” – In any interaction there are 3 points of focus – ourselves, the other, and the Awareness that embraces it all. How do we understand and work with this practice to better navigate our lives in this world and our healing work with others?
January 29: “SourcePoint Advanced Distance Work.” Open to all students who have completed Module Three, including students already studying at the Advanced Level. A one day interactive workshop with Bob Schrei and Damian McCann, exploring the protocols and principles of SourcePoint Therapy and how to further utilize them in distance work. Builds on and expands the practices learned in Module Three. Opportunities for practice in breakout rooms and group discussion. Follow up meeting February 12.
March 26: “SourcePoint Advanced Distance Work.” On request, this is a repeat of the workshop offered January 29. See above for details. Follow up meeting April 23
Contact us by email or through the contact page for registration details
February 11-13: Module One, Osaka, Japan, with Hiroki Sato
February 11-13 : Module One, Munich, Germany (in English) with Marisol Valente
March 19-21: Module Two, Osaka, Japan, with Hiroki Sato
March 25-27: Module Two, Munich, Germany (In English) with Marisol Valente
March 25-27: Module One, Boulder, CO, with Dave Sheldon
April 22-24: Module Two, Berlin, Germany (in English) with Andrea Clusen
May 6-8: Module Two, Munich, Germany (in English) with Marisol Valente
May 20-22: Module One, Boulder, CO, with Dave Sheldon
May 20-22: Module One, Succurro Retreat Center, East Meredith NY, with Owyn Ruck and Damian McCann.
May 27-29: Module Two, Succurro Retreat Center, East Meredith, NY, with Owyn Ruck and Damian McCann
July 1-3: Module One, Berlin, Germany (in German) with Andrea Clusen
July 8-10: Module One, Curitiba, Brazil, with Marisol Valente
July 25-27: Module One, Boulder, CO, with Dave Sheldon
July 29-31: Module Two, Boulder CO, with Dave Sheldon
August 6-8: Module One, Sequel, CA, with Marisol Valente
August 26-28: Module Two, Berlin, Germany (in German) with Andrea Clusen.
September 2-8: Module One and Two, Succurro Retreat Center, East Meredith, NY, with Damian McCann, Owyn Ruck, Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson.
September 15-17: Module One, Munich, Germany (in English) with Bob Schrei and Marisol Valente
November 4-6, Module One, Seattle, WA, with Bob Schrei.
November 4-6, Module Two, Munich, Germany (in English) with Marisol Valente
June 3-9: Module Three, Boulder, CO, with Bob Schrei, assisted by Dave Sheldon. Donna Thomson will participate part-time with online presentations and discussions.
July 29-August 4: Module Three, Succurro Retreat Center, East Meredith, NY with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson, assisted by Owyn Ruck and Damian McCann.
August 18- 22: Advanced Training Level One, Succurro Retreat Center, East Meredith, NY, with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson. Completion of M3 required.
September 19-25: Module Three, Munich, Germany, with Bob Schrei, assisted and translated by Andrea Clusen, also assisted by Marisol Valente. Donna Thomson will participate part-time with online presentations and discussion.
There are no Advanced Level Two workshops currently scheduled for 2022. You may contact us in relation to possible small group or individual mentorships in Santa Fe. The prerequisite for Advanced Level Two is Advanced Level One.
All two hour events are free of charge. Our intention with them is to nourish and sustain our SourcePoint community. They are open to anyone with interest in SourcePoint Therapy® who has at a minimum read our book “SourcePoint Therapy: Exploring the Blueprint of Health” or has attended any level of SourcePoint training. Please contact us by email or through the contact page for details of registration. If you have not attended a SourcePoint workshop, please also give some background for your interest in the healing arts.
January 9- “SourcePoint, Emergence and Transformation,” with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson. Meditation and discussion of the principles of emergence and transformation in SourcePoint, and how these relate to our vision of SourcePoint in the future, and its role in this changing world. 1 pm Mountain Time
January 23 – “Exploring the Blueprint and SourcePoint Therapy from the Perspectives of Eastern Traditions,” with Hiroki Sato, SourcePoint teacher in Japan. 5pm Mountain Time.
February 6 and 20 – “Resonance, Pattern, Vibration and SourcePoint: an Exploration, with Bob and Donna. Our son Joshua Schrei of The Emerald Podcast will join us on on the 20th for this discussion. 1pm Mountain Time.
March 6 – “An Introduction to Anatomy in the Context of SourcePoint Therapy” with Andrea Clusen, SourcePoint teacher in Germany. This is an overview of the topic and an introduction to a three part online course Andrea will be teaching in the spring which will go into this topic in much more detail. See below for details on the full course. 9 am Mountain time.
March 20– Exact topic to be announced, with Bob and Donna, 1pm Mountain Time.
April 30, May 7, May 14: Introduction to Anatomy in the Context of SourcePoint Therapy, online, with Andrea Clusen. Open to all who at a minimum have read the SourcePoint book. Classes will be at 5 pm Europe Time, which is 11 a.m. Eastern Time.
SourcePoint Therapy Workshop Schedule 2021
Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson are the co-developers and primary teachers of SourcePoint Therapy®, including Modules One and Two, and currently the only teachers of Module Three and Advanced Level One and Two.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions and concerns, our workshop schedule this year has been limited for the first half of the year to online events. We now have some Module One and Two workshops scheduled for late summer and autumn. If you are new to SourcePoint and if you are interested in going deeper into SourcePoint this year please contact us through the contact page for information about the Module One and Two workshops listed below, online SourcePoint meditation meetings, or individual SourcePoint online distance sessions and online Awareness sessions with Bob Schrei or Donna Thomson.
January 31 – Creativity and Healing, Online Presentation by Bob Schrei, 1pm Mountain Time. 2 hours. Open to anyone who has completed any level of SourcePoint workshop.
February 21, March 7 – Awareness Practice: Recognizing and Cultivating Awareness. Online practice with Donna Thomson, 1pm Mountain Time. 2 hours.
March 12-14 – Online Module Two. Open only to those who have completed Module One or those who wish to review Module Two. With Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson. $250. Contact us for details.
March 21 – Mythologies of the Point. Online presentation with Joshua Schrei, Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson. 2 hour presentation on the presence of the single point as a fundamental energetic structure in many cultures throughout time.
April 25 – Online Advanced Distance Work with Bob Schrei. Share your experience with distance work and learn additional protocols. 2 hours, 1pm Mountain Time. Open only to those who have completed Module Three of SourcePoint training. $50. Contact us for details.
May 15-16- Online Advanced Level One. Open only to those who have completed all three modules of SourcePoint basic training. This is an abbreviated class focused on one specific protocol usually taught in the Advanced Level One. With Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson. $200. Contact us for details.
August 9-11 – Module One (In person) – Decatur Island, WA, with Dave Sheldon
September 18-20- Module One (In person) -Osaka, Japan, with Hiroki Sato
September 24 – 30 – Module One and Two (In person), East Meredith, NY, with Owyn Ruck and Damian McCann. Each three day module may be taken separately. This is a residential workshop at Succurro Retreat Center,
September 24-26: Module One (In person), Boulder, CO, with Dave Sheldon
October 1-3: Module Two (In person), Boulder, CO, with Dave Sheldon
October 2-8: Module Three (In person), Succurro Retreat Center, East Meredith, NY, with Bob Schrei, assisted by Damian McCann and Owyn Ruck.
October 22-24 or November 12-14 – Module One (In person), Munich, Germany, with Marisol Valente, in English.
SourcePoint Therapy® Workshop Schedule 2020
Any module may be taken together with others or separately, as long as they are done in sequence. Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson are the co-developers and primary teachers of SourcePoint Therapy®. For information on other certified teachers of Module One and Two, see below. For workshop details contact us through the contact page or by phone, 505-983-7213.
UPDATE: As of March 20 all workshops listed below, except for those in Germany and Japan, have been postponed until further notice. We will be posting a tentative schedule for next year in January 2021. For now if you are interested in going deeper into SourcePoint this year please contact us through the contact page for information about online SourcePoint meditation sessions, SourcePoint online distance sessions or online Awareness sessions.
January 17-19: Module One, Succurro Retreat Center, East Meredith, NY (with Dave Sheldon, assisted by Owyn Ruck and Damian McCann)
February 28-March 1: Module One, Boulder, CO (with Dave Sheldon)
March 6-8: Module Two, Boulder, C0, (with Dave Sheldon)
March 20-23: Advanced Level Two, Santa Fe, New Mexico, limited to 4 people (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson)
April 3-5: Module One, Langenargen, Germany (with Andrea Clusen)
April 24-26: Module One, Santa Fe, New Mexico (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson)
May 1-3: Module Two, Langenargen, Germany (with Andrea Clusen)
May 15-21: Module One and Two, East Meredith, New York (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson, co-taught with Owyn Ruck and Damian McCann ) (residential workshop at Succurro Retreat Center)
May 16-18: Module One, Osaka, Japan (with Hiroki Sato)
June 21-27: Module Three, Biggar, Saskatchewan, Canada (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson)
June 27-29: Module Two, Osaka Japan (with Hiroki Sato)
July 16-20: Advanced Training (Level One), Santa Fe, New Mexico (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson)
July 24-26: Module Two, Santa Fe, New Mexico (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson)
August 28-30: Module One, Seattle, Washington (with Bob Schrei)
September 29-October 12: Advanced Level One and Module Three, Osaka, Japan (with Bob Schrei, Donna Thomson and Hiroki Sato)
October 23-29: Module Three, Santa Fe, New Mexico (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson)
October 24-30: Module One and Two, Rostock, Germany (with Andrea Clusen)
November 7-22: Module One and Two, São Paulo and Curitiba, Brazil (with Bob Schrei, Donna Thomson and Marisol Valente) (exact dates for locations TBA)
SourcePoint Therapy® Workshop Schedule 2019
In 2019 Bob Schrei will be taking a sabbatical from traveling to teach. He will be present at all workshops scheduled in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Workshops elsewhere will be led by Donna Thomson, co-founder of SourcePoint Therapy®, Hiroki Sato, Andrea Clusen or Dave Sheldon.
Any module may be taken together with others or separately, as long as they are done in sequence. For workshop details contact us through the contact page or by phone, 505-983-7213.
January 24-30: Module One and Two, Wiggensbach, Germany (with Andrea Clusen in German)
March 23-29: Module One and Two, Boulder, Colorado (with Dave Sheldon)
April 6-8: Module One, Osaka, Japan (with Hiroki Sato)
April 26-28: Module One, Santa Fe, New Mexico (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson)
May 3-9: Module One and Two, East Meredith, New York (with Donna Thomson, assisted by Damian McCann and Owyn Ruck ) (residential workshop at Sucurro Retreat Center )
June 6-8: Module One, Seattle, Washington (postponed to 2020)
June 17-23: Module One and Two, Biggar, Saskatchewan, Canada (with Dave Sheldon, assisted by Christina Kennon)
July 11-15: Advanced Training (Level One), Santa Fe, New Mexico (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson)
August 9-11: Module Two, Santa Fe, New Mexico (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson)
August 18-24: Module Three, East Meredith, New York(with Donna Thomson assisted by Owyn Ruck and Damian McCann) (residential workshop at Succurro)
September 5-7: Module One, Boulder, CO (with Dave Sheldon)
October 4-10: Module Three, Wirral, UK (with Donna Thomson)
October 27-November 2: Module Three, Santa Fe, New Mexico (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson)
November 8-10: Module One, Santa Fe, New Mexico (with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson)
SourcePoint Therapy® Workshop Schedule 2018
March 22-26: Advanced Intensive (Level2), Santa Fe, New Mexico
April 6-8: Module One, Boulder, Colorado
April 27-29: Module One, New York City, New York
May 18-20: Module One, Santa Fe, New Mexico
June 30-July 6: Module One and Two, Liverpool, England
July 15-21: Module Three, Nenagh, County Tipperary, Ireland
August 3-5: Module Two, Santa Fe, NM
September 20-24: Advanced Intensive One, Santa Fe, New Mexico
September 28-30: Module Two, Santa Fe, New Mexico
October 13-19: Module Three, Santa Fe, New Mexico
October 25 -November 8: Advanced Training (Level One) and Module Three, Osaka, Japan
December 1-7: Module Three, Santa Fe, New Mexico
SourcePoint Therapy® Workshop Schedule 2017
January 27-Feb.2: Module One and Two, Sao Paolo, Brazil (Bob)
February 18-20: Module One, Osaka Japan (Hiroki Sato)
February 24-26: Module One, Lindau, Germany (Andrea Clusen)
March 3-17: Module One, Two and Three, Santa Cruz, California (M1 Donna and Hiro, M2 Bob and Hiro, M3 Bob and Donna)
March 10-12: Module Two, Lindau, Germany (Andrea Clusen)
March 18-20: Module Two, Osaka, Japan (Hiro)
April 8-14: Module One and Two, Nenagh, Tipperary, Ireland
April 20-26: Module Three, Lindau, Germany
May 5-7: Module One, Santa Fe, New Mexico
May 20-24: Advanced Level One, Osaka, Japan
May 27-June 2: Module Three, Osaka, Japan
July 10-16: Module One and Two, Columbus, Ohio
August 11-13: Module Two, Santa Fe, New Mexico
September 1-3:Module One, Pirmasens, Germany (Andrea)
September 15-17: Awareness Meditation Retreat, Santa Fe (Donna) Open to all, including those with no prior SourcePoint training or meditation experience. Only prerequisite is to have read “SourcePoint Therapy:Exploring the Blueprint of Health.”
September 16-22: Module One and Two, Berlin, Germany (Bob)
October 7-9: Module One, Osaka, Japan (Hiro)
October 12-16: Advanced Level One, Santa Fe, New Mexico
October 21-27: Module Three, Santa Fe, New Mexico
November 3-5: Module One, Fort Collins, Colorado
November 3-5: Module Two, Osaka, Japan (Hiro)
November 10-16: Module One and Two, Santa Cruz, CA
SourcePoint Therapy® Workshop Schedule 2016
All workshops are taught by Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson, the co-founders of SourcePoint Therapy®, except where otherwise indicated. Currently only two other people, Hiroki Sato and Andrea Clusen, are certified to offer any modules of SourcePoint Therapy® basic training. For workshop details contact us through the contact page or by phone, 505-983-7213.
February 26-28: Module One, Lindau, Germany (Andrea Clusen)
March 19-21: Module One, Osaka, Japan (Hiroki Sato)
April 9-13: Advanced Intensive Level One, Osaka, Japan
April 16-22: Module Three, Osaka, Japan
May 13-15: Module One, Orlando, FL
May 18-20: Module One, Saratoga, CA
June 3-5: Module One, Santa Fe, NM
June 24-30: Module One and Two: Biggar, Saskatchewan
July 16-18: Module One, Osaka, Japan (Hiroki Sato)
July 16-22: Module One and Two, New York City
July 25-31: Module One and Two, Minneapolis/St. Paul
August 5-7: Module Two, Santa Fe, NM
August 25-29: Advanced Intensive Level One, Santa Fe, NM
September 9-11: Module Two, Orlando, FL
September 19-21: Module One, Lindau, Germany (Andrea Clusen)
September 23-25: Module Two, Lindau Germany (with Andrea Clusen)
October 8-14: Module Three, Santa Fe, NM
Ocober 20-24: Advanced Intensive Level Two, Santa Fe, NM
November 4-10: Module Three, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN,
For more details and registration information contact Donna Thomson
or by phone: 505-983-7213
All classes taught by Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson unless otherwise noted.
March 6-20: Module One, Two and Three, Osaka, Japan (with Hiroki Sato)
March 27-29: Module One in Santa Fe, New Mexico
April 17-19: Module One, New York City
April 24-26: Module One, New York City
May 4-10: Module One and Two, Rolf Institute, Boulder, Colorado (for Rolfers and Structural Integrators only, with Ray McCall)
May 29-31: Module Two, Santa Fe, New Mexico
June 26-28: Module Two, New York City
July 18-24: Module Three, Santa Fe, New Mexico
August 6-10: Advanced Intensive, Santa Fe, New Mexico
September 21-27: Module One and Two, Minneapolis/St. Paul
October 3-9: Module Three, New York City
October 10-12: Module One, Osaka, Japan, taught by Hiroki Sato
November 21-23: Module Two, Osaka, Japan
November 27-29: Module One, Lindau, Germany, taught by Andrea Clusen
We are reducing our workshop schedule in 2015 to work on the continued evolution of SourcePoint Therapy® through study, meditation and practice, to allow more time for Bob to paint again, and to focus on bringing out the SourcePoint book. In addition we are working with a few people in individualized teacher training programs.
Also coming in 2015: Our first book, “SourcePoint Therapy: The Blueprint of Health” by Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei.
All classes are taught by Bob Schrei unless otherwise noted. Donna Thomson is present at all advanced intensives and most classes in Santa Fe. She accompanies Bob to other locations whenever possible.
March 7-9: Module One for Acupuncturists, with Bob Schrei and Ehrland Truitt, DOM, Santa Fe, New Mexico
March 21-23: Module One, Santa Fe, New Mexico
April 4-6: Module One, Bedford, New Hampshire
April 11-13: Module One, New York City
May 9-11: Module One, Minneapolis, Minnesota
May 16-18: Module Two, Santa Fe, New Mexico
May 26-June 1: Modules One and Two, Osaka, Japan
June 3-9: Module Three, Osaka, Japan
June 15-21: Modules One and Two for Rolfers and Structural Integrators only, with Bob Schrei and Ray McCall, Boulder, Colorado
June 27-29: Module Two, New York City
July 11-13: Module One, Chicago, Illinois
July 19-25: Module Three, Santa Fe, New Mexico
July 31-August 4: Advanced Intensive, Santa Fe
September 6-12: Modules One and Two, Lindau, Germany. Module One will be co-taught with Andrea Clusen who will also translate. Module Two will be taught by Bob Schrei; Andrea Clusen will assist and translate.
September 26-28: SourcePoint Awareness Retreat, Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Donna Thomson
September 26-28: Module One, Boulder, Colorado (open to the general public, not for Rolfers specifically)
October 4-10: Module Three, Portland, Maine
October 16-20: Advanced Intensive, Santa Fe, New Mexico
October 25-31: Module Three, Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Bob Schrei and Ray McCall
November 7-9: Module One, Santa Fe, New Mexico
For more details and registration information contact Donna Thomson
or by phone: 505-983-7213
January 14- February 5: Module One-Three and Advanced Intensive, Sao Paolo, Brazil
March 8-10: Module One, Santa Fe, New Mexico
April 6-12: Module One and Two, Osaka, Japan
May 6-12: Module One and Two, Rolf Institute, Boulder, Colorado
May 17-19: Module Two, Santa Fe
May 31-June 2: Module One, Portland, Maine
June 20-24: Advanced Intensive, Santa Fe
July 20-26: Module Three, Santa Fe
August 30 – September 1: Module 1, Bodensee, Germany
October 5-9: Advanced Intensive, Santa Fe
October 15-20: Module One and Two, Portland, Maine
October 26-November 1: Module Three, Santa Fe
All workshops are not listed here. We are constantly adding and updating the schedule. It is possible to arrange small private trainings here in Santa Fe.