This year we have an extensive offering of online events and in person training available. Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson are the co-developers and original teachers of SourcePoint Therapy®, and still currently the only teachers of Module Three and Advanced Level One and Two. Please see below for the list of other authorized instructors and more information about each of them.
All two hour events are free of charge. Our intention with them is to nourish and sustain our SourcePoint community. They are open to anyone with interest in SourcePoint Therapy® who has at a minimum read our book “SourcePoint Therapy: Exploring the Blueprint of Health” or has attended any level of SourcePoint training. Please contact us by email or through the contact page for details of registration.
January 9- “SourcePoint, Emergence and Transformation,” with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson. Meditation and discussion of the principles of emergence and transformation in SourcePoint, and how these relate to our vision of SourcePoint in the future, and its role in this changing world. 1 pm Mountain Time
January 23 – “Exploring the Blueprint and SourcePoint Therapy from the Perspectives of Eastern Traditions,” with Hiroki Sato, SourcePoint instructor in Japan. 5pm Mountain Time.
February 6 and 20 – “Resonance, Pattern, Vibration and SourcePoint: an Exploration, with Bob and Donna. Our son Joshua Schrei of The Emerald Podcast will join us on on the 20th for this discussion. 1pm Mountain Time.
March 6 – “An Introduction to Anatomy in the Context of SourcePoint Therapy” with Andrea Clusen, SourcePoint instructor in Germany. This is an overview of the topic and an introduction to a three part online course Andrea will be teaching in the spring which will go into this topic in much more detail. See below for details on the full course. 9 am Mountain time.
March 20– Exact topic to be announced, with Bob and Donna, 1pm Mountain Time.
Contact us by email or through the contact page for registration details
February 11-13: Module One, Osaka, Japan, with Hiroki Sato
February 11-13 : Module One, Munich, Germany (in English) with Marisol Valente
March 19-21: Module Two, Osaka, Japan, with Hiroki Sato
March 25-27: Module Two, Munich, Germany (In English) with Marisol Valente
March 25-27: Module One, Boulder, CO, with Dave Sheldon
April 22-24: Module Two, Berlin, Germany (in English) with Andrea Clusen
April 29-May 1: Module One, Toronto, Canada, with Bob Schrei
May 20-22: Module One, Boulder, CO, with Dave Sheldon
May 20-22: Module Two, Succurro Retreat Center, East Meredith NY, with Owyn Ruck and Damian McCann.
July 1-3: Module One, Berlin, Germany (in German) with Andrea Clusen
July 25-27: Module One, Boulder, CO, with Dave Sheldon
July 29-29: Module Two, Boulder Co, with Dave Sheldon
August 26-28: Module Two, Berlin, Germany (in German) with Andrea Clusen.
September 2-8: Module One and Two, Succurro Retreat Center, East Meredith, NY, with Damian McCann, Owyn Ruck, Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson.
September 15-17: Module One, Munich, Germany (in English) with Marisol Valente
November 4-6, Module One, Seattle, WA, with Bob Schrei.
November 4-6, Module Two, Munich, Germany (in English) with Marisol Valente
June 3-9: Module Three, Boulder, CO, with Bob Schrei, assisted by Dave Sheldon. Donna Thonson will participate part-time with online presentations and discussions.
June 24-30: Module Three, Biggar, Saskatchewan, with Bob Schrei. Donna Thomson will participate part-time with online presentations and discussions.
July 29-August 4: Module Three, Succurro Retreat Center, East Meredith, NY with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson, assisted by Owyn Ruck and Damian McCann.
August 18- 22: Advanced Training Level One, Succurro Retreat Center, East Meredith, NY, with Bob Schrei and Donna Thomson. Completion of M3 required.
September 19-25: Module Three, Munich, Germany, with Bob Schrei, assisted and translated by Andrea Clusen, also assisted by Marisol Valente. Donna Thomson will participate part-time with online presentations and discussion.
September 23-25 – Join us at Succurro Retreat Center in upstate New York for three days of sessions exchange, meditation, practice and sharing. A chance to process and explore the experience of the last few years in the context of the Blueprint, and begin to shift our focus to the future. Emphasizing the practice of SourcePoint for oneself and self-transformation, and how that process can help bring transformation to the larger field. Open to all levels of SourcePoint training. With Donna Thomson and Owyn Ruck.
April 30, May 7, May 14: Introduction to Anatomy in the Context of SourcePoint Therapy, online, with Andrea Clusen. Open to all who at a minimum have read the SourcePoint book. Classes will be at 5 pm Europe Time, which is 11 a.m. Eastern Time.
Hiroki Sato has been teaching Module One and Two in Japan since 2016. Hiro completed the basic Module One, Two and Three SourcePoint training in 2009. In addition to his SourcePoint training, Hiro is a Certified Athletic Trainer and a Certified Rolfer. He has studied Body Talk and has translated workshops in Osteopathy for 10 years. He received certification from us as a SourcePoint Therapy instructor to teach Modules One and Two in March 2015.
Andrea Clusen, has been teaching Module One and Two in Europe since 2016. She is a Certified Advanced Rolfer who completed Module Three in 2011 and has used SourcePoint Therapy professionally since 2009. Over the past eighteen years Andrea has studied and experienced other methods of energy medicine and has assisted in numerous Rolfing® trainings. In September 2016 Andrea received her certification as a SourcePoint Therapy instructor for Module One and Two.
Dave Sheldon Dave is a Rolfer practicing in both Boulder, and Longmont, Colorado, who has been studying and practicing SourcePoint since we began teaching it over ten years ago. He has organized and assisted in many SourcePoint workshops in Boulder, including at the Rolf Institute. He has also assisted in many Rolfing trainings over the years. Dave received his certification as a SourcePoint Therapy instructor in March 2019.
Owyn Ruck, Damian McCann and Marisol Valente are completing their teacher training as Certified SourcePoint Therapy instructors and are offering workshops in 2022 with our permission.
See here for information on the content of the three basic modules and the Advanced Training and Advanced Intensive.