Remembering the Earth and Ourselves

Green Tara This week I am drawn to re-connect with two of the audio meditations. The first is the Guardians of the Earth, and the second is the fundamental SourcePoint Meditation. It feels to me as though the energies of the next few weeks are asking us to pay special attention to bringing in the […]

Invoking the Guardian Energies of the Earth (audio meditation)

If you have fifteen minutes to spare, please consider participating in this meditation. What we are doing here is invoking the guardian energies of the earth by connecting with that fundamental information of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow present in the universal energy field. We do this by using the Diamond Points of SourcePoint Therapy […]

Light Communicates with Light (Audio Meditation)

Spirit of the Trees I’ve been reflecting on the themes of the previous two posts, health as communication, and communication as connection. Then we had a lovely workshop here this weekend with lots of fine communication and connection. Here’s a meditation on these themes. There’s high winds here in New Mexico tonight. You may hear […]

SourcePoint Meditation (audio)

It’s spring equinox, when light and dark are in perfect balance. What better time to pause and connect with the healing light, energy and information of Source? Here’s a meditation that works with the basic principles and practices of SourcePoint Therapy to connect with the fundamental Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow of the universal energy.

New! Audio Guided Meditations