About the Blog

For fifteen years Bob and I have been exploring and testing the principles and practices of Sourcepoint Therapy. We now meet weekly to continue this exploration; going more deeply into the information we’ve already received, bringing up the questions that constantly arise, refining our understanding and practice.

SourcePoint Therapy in its very nature can’t be a fixed entity. In working in the field of energy medicine, you are in a constant state of movement, development, interaction, response and growth. It’s exciting and demanding. You can’t sit back and say, ok, that’s it, now I’ve got it. You are continually being stretched, discovering new perspectives, letting go of old limitations. We’d like to share that process with you in this blog. Please join us with your questions and comments. It’s a never-ending story.

From now on we will post weekly, at least, on Thursdays, as well as responding more frequently to comments and questions.

In the next several weeks we’ll explore themes concerning the practice of energy medicine and SourcePoint Therapy in particular. The first one, this Thursday, October 22nd, will be on Immersion in the Blueprint (see previous post). Then there’s Intention, Getting Out of the Way, Radical Re-Definition of Self and Other, and The Healer as Artist, all to come. And more!

In addition to this we’d like to respond to any and all questions you have about your practice, your experience, your understanding, again of SourcePoint in particular and energy in general. And we have questions for you too.

To begin with, we’d like to know, how is it working for you? If you’ve been to SourcePoint workshops, let us know how it is integrating into your work. What’s your experience of working with the principles and practices of SourcePoint? What issues or difficulties arise? How does it help you? We’d really like to hear about this.