
For three weeks of June 2011 on the SourcePoint blog I’ll be offering a free series of audio talks and meditations based on my book The Vibrant Life: Simple Meditations to Use Your Energy Effectively (Sentient Publications 2006). These meditations are simple, practical methods of working with energy for your own benefit. This book preceded the emergence of SourcePoint Therapy, so the SourcePoint perspective will be an added element in this series for those of you who are already familiar with the meditations. Each week I’ll be discussing some basic principles of working with energy, and leading a guided meditation. You can listen at your leisure; everything will also be available for download.

I’ll be posting every Thursday; here’s the schedule with topics:

June 2: You Are Energy

June 9: Conserving Your Energy and Setting Boundaries

June 16: Recharging Your Energy

I hope you will join me and experience the benefit of working regularly with your energy. I’ll be taking questions through the comments so although we won’t be interacting in person I can give some guidance if needed. I’ve said before, and will say again: meditation in today’s world isn’t an esoteric practice; it’s a survival skill!

There will be regular post next week but then I won’t be posting again until June 2.

Note: this schedule was delayed. The first entry was posted as scheduled but the other two were posted in August 2011.