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The Radical Redefinition of Self


Albert Einstein said, after the explosion of the first atom bomb, “Now everything has changed but our way of thinking.” Almost seventy years later this is still true. We have more and more new technologies,and yet we continue to act from the same old belief systems. However, I can’t look at the outside world and make a judgment about that. In the course of my life I’ve acquired many “technologies,” tools for changing my mind and my perspective, and yet, like everyone, I continue to experience that my actions often arise from the old patterns, the old stories, the old way of thinking.

I’ve said many times the path of energy medicine demands a radical re-definition of self. When you’re working with energy, you have to perceive the individual, whether yourself or another, as an energy field, a flow and pattern of energy and light and information. You have to shift your perception of yourself, or another, as a solid “thing” in a world of other solid things. You begin to understand everything as a flow of pattern and information and energy, giving rise to physical manifestation. You begin to understand the significance and absolute accuracy of the Sanskrit greeting “Namaste:” I honor the God in you. You see others and yourself as an incredible, complex, exquisite expression of the universal energy. From these experiences, your way of thinking begins to change.

You work on the premise that we all arise from a common Source, we all have a common ground. No matter what the individual’s perception of that Source is, no matter what the religion, or worldview or belief system, that individual arises from the same Source you do. It becomes more difficult to maintain a sense of opposition.

In relating to others, whether at the individual or group level, you look for the energy blockages. You perceive the flow of energy; you seek Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow.You look for communication, connection, alignment. You begin to perceive existence as a dance of opposites rather than a battle of opposites. You relate to others from this perception.

As we seek to change our thinking, as we explore different “technologies of transformation,” defining the transformation we seek is important. The stated intention of SourcePoint, at the deepest level, is to help each individual realize their full potential as a human being, and that full potential involves the development of a conscious self, the transformation of the self to be in alignment with the universal Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow.

This transformation, this shift in the perception of the self, begins in such a simple way. You hold the Diamond points for someone. These points are off the body. There’s no visible connection between hand and body. In a world of solid things, there’s no reason why anything should happen to the body. The person feels something; there’s an effect. This person has never thought of himself or herself as something other than this physical body, mind, emotions, this particular self. Now, with this experience, something happens inside, a subtle shift, an opening, a questioning: such a small thing, really, in the course of world events, but huge for that person. A door of perception opens, new information comes in, a new understanding of self becomes possible. A seed begins to blossom.

Questions arise: How has my way of relating to a perceived enemy, a perceived threat, changed, as a result of my understanding of energy and flow? How am I still acting from old patterns and information in regards to this? I deeply believe it is the responsibility of each human being to change their way of thinking, perceiving and relating to the world, and that’s how change is going to come. For some people, due to their karma, their change will affect a larger field. For others, it will affect themselves and a few around them. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the ongoing transformation, walking the path of transformation, the transformation of the self and the understanding of the self. In SourcePoint Therapy we are working with transformation.

©2011 Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei