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Intention, Context and Belief Systems

01The Blueprint of Perfect Health

Order, Balance, Harmony, Flow

Painting by Bob Schrei

SourcePoint Therapy is founded on the intention to connect to the information of the Blueprint and to allow that information to work in the human body to bring greater Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow. All the practices are simply ways to do this.

When we connect to the Blueprint of health for human being, we shift the context of our work (on ourselves, or for another) from illness to health. The Blueprint becomes the context. Your context becomes Order, Balance, Harmony, and Flow, health, rather than ill-health. If you are a practitioner, as soon as your clients walk into the room, they are walking into a field of health.

The intention of the SourcePoint practitioner is entirely focused on health.

Often when discussing this, people ask for a definition of health. For the purposes of practicing SourcePoint, essentially, health is health. It isn’t necessary to analyze. The word itself carries the vibration of health. Don’t be distracted by debating the point, just focus on HEALTH. Assume the Blueprint knows what health is!

The context shifts as soon as the practitioner holds the Diamond Points, as soon as the blockage is addressed; all this shifts the context.

When there is this focus on health, people leave your environment with a lot of new information about health, in the body, the mind, and the spirit.

For most people their belief systems are their context, and their belief systems arise from their experience. Part of what you are working with in shifting context is to help a person (or yourself) to begin to believe in the possibility of health. If a person has a chronic illness, negative belief systems can develop about the possibility of getting well. It is harder for healing to happen in that context.

“Context” is an actual energetic structure, created by the thought-forms that populate the energy field, including the body. Belief systems are actual energetic structures. It isn’t necessary to see them, but understand that the energy and information of a belief system can work for years, for lifetimes, after a trauma, to overwhelm the healthy energetic structure. In SourcePoint we work with energetic structures that arise from the Blueprint of health.

From the SourcePoint perspective it isn’t necessary to identify the belief systems that are affecting a person. Very often they are unconscious. This is what is very confusing for people when they want to do affirmations for healing. The conscious mind is saying the affirmation and the unconscious is actively holding on to the unconscious belief system.

SourcePoint Therapy provides a way to address these belief systems without having to uncover them all and examine them in detail. You don’t have to argue with yourself, you don’t have to find affirmations to antidote old belief systems. Connecting to the Blueprint, grounding in the information of the Blueprint, allows the Blueprint to shift the context to health rather than ill-health.

Shifts in context require patience and effort. They don’t just happen overnight. Intentions are powerful, but to actually shift your own context, let alone help to shift someone else’s, takes that patience and effort.

Practitioners’ belief systems also start to change as they see the result of focusing on health, connecting to the Blueprint. This shift in the practitioner facilitates the work. If you truly believe with all your heart that the person who walks into the room has the potential for health inherent in them and that there is a way of awakening that potential for health, then that is going to make a difference in your interaction with the person, in the way that the client feels, and eventually in their physical progress.

Remember, it is actually the Blueprint that is shifting the context, but your activity as a practitioner in connecting with the Blueprint, connecting the client, believing in that full potential for health, all this is something you can do, for the benefit of yourself and others.

(For more information on working with specific belief systems, see the chapter on belief systems in The Vibrant Life: Simple Meditations to Use Your Energy Effectively by Donna Thomson)

©Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei 2014