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Light and Dark

Star Cluster
Source: Hubblesite.org

SourcePoint is about balance, order, harmony and flow, the simple underlying principles and energies that give rise to life, and sustain, nourish and support it.

Energy workers often call on “the light” in their work. It’s a powerful energy and we access the energy of light in SourcePoint work. What about the transformative energy of the dark? I used to wonder what would happen if I sat down with a client at the beginning of an Awareness session (the channeled readings I used to do), and instead of saying “ The room is filled with the clear light of Awareness” I said instead “The room is filled with the transformative dark of Awareness.” Sometimes I did say it. Not everyone is ready to be surrounded by the dark!

Personally, I’ve had experiences with some kinds of energy work, or with some spiritual teachers, where I have felt like I received an overdose of light, where the reaction of my body-mind was so intense, with every old, deep, hidden pattern hauled up and exploded into awareness. My instinct was to crawl into bed, lower the shades, close my eyes, and wrap myself in the dark, imagining a cloak of the deep dark indigo New Mexico sky draped around me, to feel the coolness of twilight descend over me, to call on the dark of the Source beyond words to soothe and heal and absorb all that was coming up.

I think the most positive energies for transformation are a perfect balance of light and dark. Using concentrated light at times is like doing surgery; you can feel it cutting away old patterns and obstructions and blockages. The dark is a soothing, embracing, all-absorbing energy, much more diffuse. It’s very protective. It calms and balances after an intense experience of light.

As with so much else, in SourcePoint you don’t have to think about all this too much (unless you want to, of course). The points do their work. The connection to Source through the Source Point connects with that radiant dark of Source energy, beyond all words and forms and concepts, beyond even the concept of light and dark. The pure energy of source filters through what we can call the light of the blueprint, that illuminating energy that carries the information necessary for life to arise, to support life, the information of those ordering principles.

As I write about SourcePoint Therapy I realize again how much this form of energy work relies on art, metaphor, image and poetic language to express truths that can’t be quantified or described satisfactorily in ordinary terms. Light and dark, balance, flow, sun and moon, rhythm, season, sound, silence, stillness, motion. All these energies are with us, speaking through the points as we seek to reconnect to that fundamental health that is our birthright.

©2009 Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei