Meaning, Purpose, and SourcePoint
Imagine the universe in this way: everywhere you look you see an intricate web of meaning and purpose, a grid of light, energy, and information that nourishes you and sustains you, that breathes as you breathe, lives as you live. As above, so below. You too are an intricate web of meaning and purpose, a grid of light, energy and information, connected to that greater network, breathing as it breathes, living as it lives.
It’s not actually hard to imagine this, because it is how things are. There was a period in my life when I was receiving guidance from a Native American teacher to learn more about energy and how it worked. During that time, every time I saw a raven fly through the bright blue New Mexico sky, I knew, knew, in my whole soul, spirit, body-being, that I was intimately connected to all that is, and that everything had ultimate meaning and purpose. Ravens are said to be the messengers of spirit, and I was generously being given a powerful spiritual message.
People today spend a lot of time trying to determine their purpose in life. It’s one of the main subjects of the Awareness sessions I do with people. SourcePoint can help with this. In SourcePoint we connect with the Blueprint of health for the human being, the specific energy field that gives rise to, nourishes and sustains the human body. This Blueprint contains the information for the highest potential of the human being. As we come into alignment with the Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow of the Blueprint, we access this information. We begin to act in greater harmony with our highest potential. The deep intention of our spirit can flow more readily in our lives.
The key here is not to worry so much about what we are supposed to be doing, but to focus on our connection to our highest potential, to that greater web of meaning and purpose that we are a part of. That connection, just as it helps our physical health, helps our spiritual health, and helps us to know who we are, why we are here, and what our path in this world is.
When we use SourcePoint Therapy to support our physical health, we don’t neglect other modalities that work directly at the physical level to sustain that health, such as medical treatment, nutrition, herbs, and so on. In the same way, while SourcePoint Therapy can help us come into a greater realization and manifestation of our highest potential, we don’t neglect to work with intention, goal, aspiration and exploration of our own unique talents and gifts. We just do this in the context of being connected to the information of our highest potential.
One useful practice is to examine your “organizing principles.” What themes or concerns do you organize your life around? Past trauma, specific relationships, anxiety about the future? General principles of love, service, growth and so on? Specific goals or aspirations? This exploration can be very helpful in getting you in touch with what you really feel your purpose in life is, and whether your current central organizing principles are in alignment with it. This exploration works together with the Blueprint to reorganize the energy field in a meaningful and purposeful way.
Another way to phrase this question is: What is your North Star?
A tree doesn’t think about its purpose in life. Its entire being is devoted to being a tree. It is its purpose. The purpose of being you — is to be you. The connection to the Blueprint helps you be you, to realize your potential.
Many practitioners have now told us that their clients report a “sense of hope” after receiving SourcePoint Therapy. This hope is a sign of connection to that information of the Blueprint, of their highest potential. It’s the ground for physical healing, and for another step forward on the spiritual journey.
© Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei 2013