SourcePoint Therapy at IASI

Symposium 2010: One World, One Work. The International Conference of the International Association of Structural Integrators took place in Denver, Colorado May 7-9. Bob Schrei and Ray McCall gave a presentation on SourcePoint Therapy as one of the breakout sessions on Saturday morning. (Ray and Bob co-teach the SourcePoint workshops given through the Rolf Institute). […]

“Quantum Activism”

After writing about hope last week, synchronicity led me to the related theme of possibility in this talk by Dr. Amit Goswami, Professor of Physics at the University of Oregon’s Institute of Theoretical Science for over 30 years (now retired) and currently Senior Scholar in Residence, Institute of Noetic Sciences. Dr. Goswami is exploring what […]


Recently three different healthcare practitioners who have integrated SourcePoint Therapy into their work have told us the same story: after receiving work, clients have said virtually the same thing: “I feel hope for the first time in years.” Hope: how important this is for recovering health. People with chronic pain or illness often lose hope, […]