
Photo by Josh Schrei
Recently three different healthcare practitioners who have integrated SourcePoint Therapy into their work have told us the same story: after receiving work, clients have said virtually the same thing: “I feel hope for the first time in years.”
Hope: how important this is for recovering health. People with chronic pain or illness often lose hope, leading to a downward cycle of increasing depression and fatigue. Everyone has advice for you, everyone knows someone who tried something and it worked for them, so maybe it will work for you. After a while, instead of inspiring hope, these suggestions just make you feel worse, because nothing does work, or it works for a little while and then the old symptoms, or new ones, appear.
What is it about the SourcePoint practices that would bring that feeling of hope? I don’t know for sure, and certainly we can’t predict this will always happen but perhaps it’s simply the reconnection, to Source, to the information of health, to one’s essential self. If indeed we are connecting to this blueprint of health, the information of balance, order, harmony and flow that gives rise to life and sustains it, then the feeling of hope would be that information beginning to communicate with the individual body-mind, beginning to wake up memory, to whisper: remember, it’s true, you can be well. In your essential nature, you are well.
It made me think that in fact hope is the very essence of SourcePoint, if we define hope as openness to possibility. Hope is the openness that allows us to explore uncharted territory. Hope is the willingness to risk. Hope is the affirmation that things do not have to continue to be as they have been in the past. Hope allows us to move beyond our conditioning. To embark on the path of energy work, as giver or receiver, requires all of the above.
Hope is a powerful, supportive energy. And I realize, although I never thought about it this way before, that the blueprint carries that essential message: there is hope. The fundamental order, balance, harmony and flow of our essential nature and the universal energy reminds us, not only personally but globally: there is hope.
© 2010 Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei