A SourcePoint Perspective on the Chakras
A Chakra is described as an energy structure within the human body, a turning wheel, a center of Prana, or life force. In different spiritual as well as energy healing traditions working with the chakras is an important aspect of spiritual development and/or physical health. There are practices for balancing the chakras; there are spiritual practices to encourage and direct the Kundalini energy, centered originally in the root chakra, in its upward movement to the third eye and crown Chakras. There are major Chakras and minor ones, as well as Nadis, or channels for energy, that radiate from the Chakras, throughout and around the physical body. In some systems there are four major Chakras; in others seven. Different perspectives describe the energy body differently.
In SourcePoint energy work we do not seek to work with individual chakras directly for the purpose of balancing them. From the SourcePoint view, the Chakras and the Nadis are structures within the inner temple of the body, the underlying energetic armature of the body that arises from the information and energy of the Blueprint. So, as always, our task is to assist in bringing the information of the Blueprint to the body; that information will do what it needs to do to balance the Chakras, to strengthen those that are vulnerable, to soothe those that are overactive.
We look at the Chakras as transfer mechanisms within the physical body; energetic structures that receive the information of the Blueprint and transmit it throughout the human body. Therefore it makes sense that the Blueprint itself will address any imbalance in the Chakras, and the important foundation again is strengthening that connection and addressing any blockages. The connection is made through the Diamond and other points we work with.
However, we have several protocols in SourcePoint that can be used to assist in that process of strengthening the connection to the Blueprint, and helping it it to do its work. The Gold Point in the Chakras is one of these. It is simple to learn and to practice, and is also a simple self-help protocol for connecting to the Blueprint and bringing in that information of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow. The Gold Point is a technique in SourcePoint Therapy that helps to connect the body to its original Source. Focusing attention on the Gold Point in the Chakras strengthens the hub of the wheel of the Chakra, and whenever one is working with gold, there is a cleansing and purifying effect energetically. This is an additional practice to strengthen the mid-line and bring balance to the organizing forces of the body. This practice is taught in SourcePoint Module Two but here we can describe the function and location of each of the chakras from the SourcePoint Perspective.
From the SourcePoint perspective we work with the chakras from the Crown Chakra to the Root Chakra, not from bottom to top as is often done. Our purpose is to ground the information of the Blueprint in the physical body. The Crown Chakra Point, on the top of the head, is a “portal” point. It opens the connection to the Blueprint. Beginning with this point, you draw in the information of the Blueprint, of the cosmic order, to organize and balance the Chakras, so that they can better receive and transmit the information of the Blueprint. That’s why we begin at the crown. The Transformation Point is directly above, so there is a direct line to the transformative information of the Blueprint. As one moves the hand down from Chakra to Chakra, following the mid-line of the body, you strengthen that energetic mid-line. This technique not only organizes the energies within each individual center; it integrates, connects and repairs any damaged energetic circuitry between the Chakras.
The Chakras assist in organizing the information of the Blueprint in the body and in aligning the personal self with that information. The Chakras are very much about bringing the information of the Blueprint to the specific personal self: to the personality, will, emotion and karma of the self. Here are the functions of each chakra from the SourcePoint perspective.
The Crown Chakra Point (located in the center of the top of the head): This is a portal: a direct connection to the cosmic Order, to the information of the Blueprint, with the specific purpose and intention of organizing, balancing and harmonizing the Chakras so they can better perform their task of receiving and transmitting the information of the Blueprint.
Third-Eye Chakra Point (located in the center of the forehead): assists in opening to spiritual vision informed by the information of the Blueprint; gaining more direct access to that information for guidance in one’s personal life.
Throat Chakra Point (located in the center of the throat directly above the collarbone): assists in opening the channel for personal expression that is in alignment with the information of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow present in the Blueprint.
Heart Chakra Point (located in the center of the sternum): assists in opening the channel for receiving and giving love; aligns the emotional, feeling self with the information of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow.
Solar Plexus Chakra Point (above the navel, below the ribcage): assists in bringing the personal self into alignment with the information of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow.
Sacral Chakra Point (about two fingers below the navel on the belly): assists in aligning the vital life force of the body with the Blueprint.
Root Chakra Point: (located on the lower abdomen just above the center top edge of the pubic bone): assists in spiritual evolution and the alignment of the evolutionary path of the human being in incarnation with the Blueprint.
From the SourcePoint perspective, the Crown Chakra Point and the Root Chakra Point balance each other perfectly, and reflect the balance of heaven and earth, spirit and matter, above and below, reflected as a continuum in our human existence, our human bodies. From this perspective also, the purpose of incarnation is spiritual evolution, and we are supported by universal energy in this process. The Blueprint contains the information for the highest potential of the human being. As that information interacts with the personal incarnated self through the Chakras, that process of spiritual evolution is supported, nourished and encouraged, helping to bring one’s life into greater alignment with the universal principles of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow.
May your New Year unfold in alignment with Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow, and be filled with health and happiness!
© 2013 Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei