It’s About the Work

Ellsworth Kelly: Red and Blue from the series LIne Form Color Ellsworth Kelly speaking about himself and Agnes Martin: “Agnes’s and my art share a love of the anonymous, of doing the work. The work itself is what’s important. We don’t want our personality in the art. We all had to get over Picasso, because […]


      Fritjof Capra says “One lesson that nature teaches is that everything in the world is connected to other things.” In The Web of Life, referring to the immune system, he states“The entire system looks much more like a network, more like people talking to each other, than soldiers out looking for an […]

“Remembered Wellness”

Photograph by Josh Schrei The Himalayas Before Andrew Weil and Bruce Lipton, there was Herbert Benson, MD. He is the author of the fascinating book Timeless Healing: the Power and Biology of Belief, first published in 1995. Dr. Benson was ahead of his time in researching the effect of the mind on healing. His book […]


The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali In the last post I wrote about how the practice of energy work requires a radical re-definition of self. I think it may also require a redefinition of time, beginning with an exploration of time and how it functions both in healing and in this […]

More on Getting Out of the Way

Another useful practice is, when holding the points, pay attention to what you are feeling in your own body rather than focusing on the client. This helps you to just let the blueprint do its work. Sometimes, of course, images or insights about the client will come to you. Watch out for the phrase, “This […]

Getting Out of the Way & The Golden Triangle

As an energy work practitioner one of the most important skills to learn is that of getting out of the way. Getting out of the way means you don’t impose your own views or ideas. Rather, you respond to the unique being of each individual client. People have their own modalities; often they have spent […]

Intention and the Diamond Points

The four Diamond Points that are the foundation of SourcePoint practice clearly express the intention of our energy work. These four points are the Source, Grounding, Activation, and Transformation Points. In SourcePoint Therapy our intention is simply to connect to Source and its information of order, balance, harmony and flow; ground and awaken that information […]


When we do energy work, bodywork, or any other form of work with people it is important to look at whether that work energizes and recharges us, strengthens us, or whether we feel drained by it. This is where the integration of SourcePoint Therapy into other modalities can be very helpful, because it is a […]