More on Getting Out of the Way
Another useful practice is, when holding the points, pay attention to what you are feeling in your own body rather than focusing on the client. This helps you to just let the blueprint do its work.
Sometimes, of course, images or insights about the client will come to you. Watch out for the phrase, “This is what I see in your energy.” What you say to them becomes a reality for them. Begin by asking them what they are experiencing. File away what you have seen as something that may or may not be relevant as the session unfolds. If you share what you have seen, offer it as a question to see if it resonates.
You can consciously withdraw projections at the end of a session. Bob does this regularly and feels it helps keep things clear between him and his clients. Simply say to yourself something like, “If there is anything I have projected on to this person, may that be released now into the light, and may the work done today be for his/her greatest good.”
Understand it’s impossible to get out of the way one hundred percent. There’s no such thing as total neutrality. At every moment you are bringing your own vocabulary, knowledge and experience to every situation. That’s why ongoing self-inquiry and awareness is an important aspect of doing energy work.
This subject is covered thoroughly in Module 3.
© 2009 Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei