
Deep Intention 2020

Dear Friends, today is the last day of the meditation series we’ve been practicing alone-together for the last 10 days or so. Today’s meditation is: Deep Intention. 

As you will hear in the meditation deep intention is not the same thing as setting intentions, or goals, or stating desires. From a bigger perspective, we are born from intention as intention. Intention is inherent with in us. 

Think of a rose. It doesn’t ask about its purpose, it doesn’t decide its intention. Its intention is simply .. to be a rose.. to bud, to bloom, to wither, to fall back to the ground. Simply to be in the natural cycle of life. Intention is everywhere we look. It’s that natural web of intention we connect with as we sit in it and become aware of our breath, as we do in this meditation.

As we connect with that deep, inherent intention of body and breath, spirit and heart, we connect with the vital life force energy that flows through us, births us, is us. We are supported, nourished, sustained and strengthened to continue unfolding our own unique purpose, on this earth, at this exact time.

May all beings be happy, peaceful and free of suffering.

Chapter 10 Meditation: Deep Intention. https://sourcepointtherapy.com/category/sourcepoint-book-meditations/