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Don’t Forget the Guardian Points

134008_10150124681861289_501391288_7636175_1776265_oPhoto by Josh Schrei

For those of you who have attended the Module Two training and have learned the Guardian Points, or been shown them by your practitioner: you have a valuable tool as winter gets deeper and colder. I do the Guardian Points on myself every day and can feel them strengthening me at every level. Especially if you are a health practitioner, it’s good to strengthen yourself energetically and psychically as you encounter so many people daily in varying states of health. These points can help you maintain a strong center; they are another direct and immediate way to connect with the Blueprint and its information of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow. That information is our ally in maintaining health. The Guardian Points are simple to do for yourself, so remember them when your energy is low, you feel something coming on, or that you have been exposed to something.

©2011 Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei