
photo by Josh Schrei

Bob and I have just returned from teaching Module One and Two in Ireland, and then Module Three in Germany. It’s been a while since I’ve experienced all three in a row. It’s a powerful experience and reminds me more than ever that SourcePoint training is not only about learning techniques; it’s a personal healing journey.

This time, I felt an infinitesimal and yet huge shift in my perspective, my body, my mind: the continuing shift towards health as my context. Of course I have been aware of that principle all along and felt myself changed by it: that in SourcePoint we focus on health, not specific illness, not the story of disease. But this time, something happened. We’ve all had that experience, when what we are told, and repeat, becomes suddenly, deeply real.

I saw, looking back over years and years, my focus on and fascination with my symptoms, how they have defined my reality. I have experienced firsthand what we talk about in SourcePoint: becoming organized around my trauma rather than the inherent health present in my connection to the Blueprint. I am not making a judgment about that. I evidently had to learn to pay attention to what was happening in my body and take care of myself, and to understand the nature and the message of the symptoms. I had to learn to value this precious body. To believe in this body and its inherent health, to shift the emphasis from my story.

What is health? That question comes all the time. I see now it is the very existence of this body, right here, just as it is, with all its imperfections and imbalances. It’s that simple. What is health? It’s life. The incomprehensibly powerful thrust of the universal life force energy into material being is pure wellness; it is Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow, it is the activity of the Blueprint.

Everyone of us has that force within us now. Not some day in the future, maybe, when we get better. It’s there always, when we are sick, when we are tired, when we are depressed, when we are happy, when we are born, and yes, when we are dying.

In this body we are riding a wave of health, of life force manifesting. The more connected we are to our fundamental reality, the blueprint of health, the longer the wave, perhaps. It all depends. On how the forces we experience while in the body, the forces of trauma and karma, and ancestry and environment, to name a few, interact with that force of inherent health. Our choices have a lot to do with our state of health but they are not the only defining factor. Trauma, karma, ancestry, and environment are powerful forces also. The awareness we bring to our experience, the love we give and receive, how we communicate with others, the connection to the greater Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow, so much affects health.

However, the simple fact is, health is a powerful presence in our lives, innately, inherently, undeniably. The more we focus on it, the stronger we get.

And, I can say from personal experience, a simple daily practice of Diamond Points, Guardian Points and Navel Point provides a clear, directed, powerful way to focus on health, to call it forth, to enter into it, to experience it.

(If you haven’t yet experienced SourcePoint training, the Diamond Point Meditation from our book is a way to begin)