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Meditations for Today’s World 2020

Dear Friends, in these times, SourcePoint Therapy has much to offer. Remember, as some of you have heard in workshops, every time one single person connects with the Blueprint of Health for the human being, with that fundamental Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow of the universal life force energy, that information enters into the web of life and interbeing on this planet. So many people have commented on how this virus is bringing a greater awareness of how we are all interrelated. As Chief Seattle said, what we do to the web we do to ourselves. And what I always say, that means, what we do to ourselves, we do to the web. Take time to connect with the information of Health and it will support you and in supporting you it supports others. The information of Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow is sorely needed to support everything that is being done at the physical, medical, scientific level right now. 

Simple SourcePoint practices can bring this connection and nourish, support and strengthen each of us right now: Meditation with the Diamond Points, the Guardian Points, The Gold Points in the Chakras, and the Navel Point. If you haven’t learned the Guardian Points yet or any of the other protocols mentioned, simply acknowledge and invoke “the Guardian energies of the body” and imagine yourself surrounded by golden light. These protocols as a daily practice bring a greater calm and nourish us. They help us navigate this uncharted territory. There are scientific studies showing meditation enhances and supports the immune system. I’ve said it for many years, and I’m saying it again: in today’s world, meditation is not an esoteric practice, it’s a survival skill…

To encourage that, in the next week, starting Wednesday, every couple of days, in the evening (Mountain Time) I’ll be posting a specific audio meditation from the SourcePoint book to help us focus on health in these challenging times. I’ll post an introduction and the link to the meditation. I’m not setting a specific time where we are all meditating together, you’ll have a couple of days to work with one meditation at a time at your own pace. 

Also during this time I’ll be bringing in and recording some new meditations to share with you in the following weeks. I’ll also be educating myself in Facebook Live (I’m told it’s very simple) and Zoom (I’m told it’s also very simple) so that those who want to can come together at the same time and share meditation together. 

Here’s the sequence of meditations I’ll be posting this week. Please join me for a journey into the Blueprint. I hope that people will find this helpful. I know I need some structure right now in the midst of all the outer chaos. Most of these meditations are between 7-15 minutes. 

Day One: Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow

Day Two: The Diamond Points

Day Three: Geometry as the Language of the Blueprint

Day Four: The Internal Scan

Day Five: Invoking the Guardian Energies of the Body (The Golden Egg)

Day Six: Deep Intention

For now, I’ll share a practice i do regularly. I close my eyes and visualize our beautiful earth floating in space. I imagine the the Diamond Points around the globe, in sequence, looking at it, from its right to left: Source, Grounding, Activation, Transformation. A gold line draws itself from point to point, creating that Diamond pattern around the globe. I repeat the words, Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow. I observe the earth and all its inhabitants in that diamond pattern (which is not only applicable to humans). I recognize the inherent Order, Balance, Harmony and Flow of the universal energy of Source manifest as this beautiful planet. 

There is a saying of the Buddha’s: “Protecting others, we protect ourselves. Protecting ourselves, we protect others.” May we all practice this. May we support each other in maintaining a focus on health in a world out of balance, while maintaining an awareness and acceptance of the realities we are dealing with.