Reflections on the Blueprint

We get a lot of questions about the nature of the blueprint, whether it is fixed or not. Here’s what Bob has to say on this topic: To only talk about the activity or process of the blueprint, or to describe it as formative activity or forces is to miss that aspect of it that […]

More on Getting Out of the Way

Another useful practice is, when holding the points, pay attention to what you are feeling in your own body rather than focusing on the client. This helps you to just let the blueprint do its work. Sometimes, of course, images or insights about the client will come to you. Watch out for the phrase, “This […]

Getting Out of the Way & The Golden Triangle

As an energy work practitioner one of the most important skills to learn is that of getting out of the way. Getting out of the way means you don’t impose your own views or ideas. Rather, you respond to the unique being of each individual client. People have their own modalities; often they have spent […]

The Crescent Moon and the Mother The Crescent Moon is a wonderful and simple meditative practice that radiates support and grounds the energy of an individual in the earth plane. The Crescent Moon may be helpful as an energetic support for an expectant mother as it brings a strong connection to the archetype or blueprint of the Mother. The Great […]

Intention and the Diamond Points

The four Diamond Points that are the foundation of SourcePoint practice clearly express the intention of our energy work. These four points are the Source, Grounding, Activation, and Transformation Points. In SourcePoint Therapy our intention is simply to connect to Source and its information of order, balance, harmony and flow; ground and awaken that information […]

More About the Blueprint

“Also, this brings up for me the question of how-if at all-you work to evoke/invoke the blueprint. For example, in the advanced rolfing training we talked a lot about evoking the line as both a kind of manifestation and an antanae that attracts the blueprint. Your article helps me to make sense of this thought. […]