
      Fritjof Capra says “One lesson that nature teaches is that everything in the world is connected to other things.” In The Web of Life, referring to the immune system, he states“The entire system looks much more like a network, more like people talking to each other, than soldiers out looking for an […]

“Remembered Wellness”

Photograph by Josh Schrei The Himalayas Before Andrew Weil and Bruce Lipton, there was Herbert Benson, MD. He is the author of the fascinating book Timeless Healing: the Power and Biology of Belief, first published in 1995. Dr. Benson was ahead of his time in researching the effect of the mind on healing. His book […]

New! Audio Guided Meditations

Return of the LIght

Meditation can strengthen your immune system. So in this time, as we approach the solstice, the return of the light, why not meditate with the transformative light, energy and information of the mandala realm? Why not invoke the guardian energies of light to help you stay healthy through the winter season? In this meditation you […]

Guardians of the Body We are facing lots of health challenges these days unique to the modern era. It’s in the nature of life to continue, to find its way, to survive. It seems like life itself is asking us to become more conscious in the use of our energy, in our awareness of our resources, inner and […]