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Focus on the Blueprint: A Reminder

SourcePoint Day 3Blackboard sketch by Bob Schrei

This month’s post is contributed by Bob Schrei, and is an important reminder where our focus lies in the practice of SourcePoint Therapy®. It is specifically intended for practitioners who have been trained in our workshops.

In the three basic modules of SourcePoint Therapy® the emphasis is on placing your focus on bringing the information of the Blueprint to the blockage rather than on the systems of the body. The reason for this is that practitioners can be too involved in the systems of the body to be able to practice SourcePoint effectively. They are constantly being drawn into the story that is unfolding in the soma rather than keeping their focus on the information of the Blueprint. They are being drawn into the details of various parts and systems of the body, including the energetic, rather than keeping their focus on the health of the system.

Remember that SourcePoint can be practiced effectively by people who do not have extensive training in manual therapies, and in fact, it is often easier for them precisely because they do not have the background of continually tracking what is happening in the system, either at the structural/functional level, cranial/sacral level, fluid level, nervous system level, meridian and chakra levels or any other system of the body.

Many practitioners rely on getting information from the body to guide them in their work. In SourcePoint that is not the focus. Of course you keep track of what is happening and check in with clients as to how they are feeling and experiencing the work. But it is the information of the Blueprint that guides our work, and we are simply bringing the information of the Blueprint to the body. That information, the full potential that we have as human beings for health at every level of our being, is the focus of our attention.

In SourcePoint we speak of the the therapeutic relationship as a triad rather than a dyad. The information, light, and energy of the Blueprint is the third partner in that triad.

Our work as a practioner is to stay connected to that field of information and to keep the client connected to that information. Once rapport is established between you and your client at the beginning of the session, the focus is taken off of the inter-personal relationship and the focus is on connecting the client to their own resources and potential and staying in that field ourselves. We are not “channeling” the information, energy, or light of the Blueprint through our own bodies and fields, but creating the context for that interface to take place.

When I become aware of my attention being drawn into the phenomena of the body, I step back for a moment, connect with my breath, and re-focus my awareness to the information of the Blueprint through the eight-pointed star as a placeholder for the information of the Blueprint, or any of the other methods that we learn in SourcePoint to connect to that field of information.

For those of you who do have extensive backgrounds in a variety of therapeutic modalities it eventually becomes possible to be aware of both your connection to the Blueprint and what is occurring in the soma. But with experience you are able to be aware without letting your fascination be what leads you or forms your practice. The only strategy from a SourcePoint perspective is : How can I more effectively bring the information of the Blueprint to the body?

© Donna Thomson and Bob Schrei 2013