The Miracle of Healing

‘Tis the season of miracles, when stories of miracles are told, and believed, or not. When distant stars and long ago happenings invite us to reverence and awe. It is a good time to acknowledge and revere the greatest miracle of all — life itself and the great cosmos that is its genesis and its […]

The Blueprint as a Living Being

Blackboard Drawing by Bob Schrei, Module 3, July 16, 2012 We are in the midst of a Module Three right now, exploring the principle of the Blueprint, working with deepening our relationship to the Blueprint for the benefit of our own health and that of others. The foundation of SourcePoint, its core, its central organizing […]

SourcePoint Therapy® 2013 Workshop Schedule

SOURCEPOINT THERAPY® WORKSHOP SCHEDULE 2013 For more details and registration information contact Donna Thomson 505-983-7213 or through the contact page Our 2013 schedule is not complete. Currently scheduled: January 14- February 5: Module One-Three and Advanced Intensive, Sao Paolo, Brazil February 21-27: Module One and Two, New School for Structural Integration, Laguna Beach, California March […]

SourcePoint and The Horse

Bob holds the Sacral Point for Trooper, who hangs out with James Cassese at Equine Energetix The exploration of SourcePoint Therapy for horses continues. For those of you who have been following this, I’m happy to offer some further information about the Diamond Points and the Sacral Point in relation to horses. Also there is […]

Order, Balance, Harmony, Flow

Order, Balance, Harmony, Flow by Bob Schrei Life is a delicate balancing act. “Life exists on the edge of chaos and order.” I can’t even reference this quote because so many biologists, systems theorists, and other thinkers and researchers have now made some such statement. What are the implications of this for SourcePoint Therapy? We […]

April 2012

Hard to believe it’s been a month since the last post. For any of you who have been wondering and waiting, here we are again. April was a beautiful month of SourcePoint work. First there was the Advanced Intensive, with long-time students from Japan, New York, Canada, California, Vermont, Florida, and Utah all gathering here […]

Gravity as an Ordering Force

Ida Rolf said, “Gravity is the therapist.” Recently some Structural Integration practitioners have asked about the relationship between SourcePoint Therapy®, the Blueprint, and gravity, so here are some reflections on this topic. Gravity is a force that defines our orientation in the material world. Structural Integration, with its emphasis its emphasis on gravity, orients people […]

We Walk Always in a State of Grace

Moon, Sky and Trees, Glorieta, New Mexico 2004 With the coming of spring, I happened on a copy of a newsletter that I used to send out. The newsletter was called “Reflections from Awareness” and here is an excerpt from the Spring 2004 issue that I’d like to share with you, as an offering to […]

“The Bond: Connecting Through the Space Between Us” by Lynne McTaggart

Entangled Pairs of Photons at the Intersections If I were to pick just three books to help people understand what we are doing in SourcePoint Therapy® these would be the three, and they are all by the same author, Lynne McTaggart: The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe The Intention Experiment […]


In SourcePoint Therapy® we work with a scan of the body to locate blockages that are impeding the free flow of information from the energetic Blueprint of health. Recently a question arose, along these lines: “When I use the scan with clients, why am I consistently finding a blockage in the same location on the […]